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Export Data

Export To Folder

The rcli export folder command allows you to export data from a bucket in your ReductStore instance to a local folder on your computer. This can be useful if you want to make a copy of your data for backup or offline access.

The rcli export folder command has the following syntax:

rcli export folder [OPTIONS] SRC DEST

SRC should be the source bucket that you want to export data from. It should be in the format ALIAS/BUCKET_NAME, where ALIAS is the alias that you created for your storage engine (using the rcli alias add command), and BUCKET_NAME is the name of the bucket.

DEST should be the destination folder on your computer where you want to save the exported data.

Here is an example of how you might use the rcli export folder command:

rcli export folder myalias/mybucket ./exported-data

This will export all the data from the mybucket bucket in your storage engine (accessed using the myalias alias) to the exported-data folder on your desktop.

Export To Bucket

Thercli export bucket command allows you to copy data from a source bucket in your ReductStore instance to a destination bucket. This can be useful if you want to make a copy of your data for backup or to transfer data between different buckets.

To use the rcli mirror command, open a terminal and type the following, replacing [OPTIONS] with any optional flags that you want to use (see below for a list of available options), SRC with the source bucket that you want to copy data from, and DEST with the destination bucket where you want to save the copied data:

rcli export bucket [OPTIONS] SRC DEST

SRC and DEST should be in the format ALIAS/BUCKET_NAME, where ALIAS is the alias that you created for your ReductStore instance (using the rcli alias add command), and BUCKET_NAME is the name of the bucket.

If the destination bucket doesn't exist, it will be created with the same settings as the source bucket.

For example, to copy all data from the mybucket bucket in your ReductStore instance (accessed using the myalias alias) to the newbucket bucket, you would type the following command:

rcli mirror myalias/mybucket myalias/newbucket

Available options

Here is a list of the options that you can use with the rcli export commands:

  • --start: This option allows you to specify a starting time point for the data that you want to export. Data with timestamps newer than this time point will be included in the export. The time point should be in ISO format (e.g., 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z) or Unix timestamp in milliseconds (e.g., 1633046400000).

  • --stop: This option allows you to specify an ending time point for the data that you want to export. Data with timestamps older than this time point will be included in the export. The time point should be in ISO format (e.g., 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z) or Unix timestamp in milliseconds (e.g., 1633046400000).

  • --entries: With this option, you can specify the entries that you want to export. The entries should be specified as a comma-separated list of entry names (e.g., --entries=entry1,entry2). You can also use the * wildcard to match all entries with a certain prefix (e.g., --entries=prefix-*).

  • --include: Specify the labels to include in the export. Only data with the specified labels will be exported. The labels should be specified as a comma-separated list of label names (e.g., and values (e.g., --include= color=red,size=big).

  • --exclude: Specify the labels to exclude from the export. Data with the specified labels will not be exported. The labels should be specified as a comma-separated list of label names ( e.g., and values (e.g., --exclude= color=red,size=big).

  • --ext: Specify the file extension that you want to use for the exported data files. If not specified, the default extension will be guessed based on the MIME content type of the data. Only for rcli export folder.

  • --with-metadata: If this option is specified, the CLI client creates a metadata file in JSON format for each exported data record. The metadata file contains information like the timestamp, content type, size and the labels that were applied to the data. Only for rcli export folder.

  • --limit: This option allows you to specify the maximum number of entries that you want to export. If not specified, all entries will be exported.

You also can use the global --parallel option to specify the number of entries that you want to export in parallel:

rcli  --parallel 10  export folder myalias/mybucket ./exported-data


Here are some examples of how you might use the rcli export command with the available options:

To export all data from the mybucket bucket that was created after January 1, 2022:

rcli export folder --start 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z myalias/mybucket ./exported-data

To export all data from the mybucket bucket to another instance that was created before January 1, 2022:

rcli export bucket --stop 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z myalias/mybucket another_alias/another_bucket

To export all data from the mybucket bucket that was created between January 1, 2022 and January 31, 2022 for certain entries:

rcli export folder --start 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z --stop 2022-01-31T00:00:00Z myalias/mybucket  ./exported-data

To export all data from certain entries in the mybucket bucket:

rcli export bucket --entries=entry1,entry2 myalias/mybucket myalias/only_entry1_and_entry2