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Replication Commands

The rcli command line client allows you to manage the replication settings for your storage engine using the replication subcommand. For example:

rcli replication --help

You should set an alias for your storage engine, so that you can use the alias in the rcli replication command to refer to the storage engine. For example:

rcli replication ls test-storage

Listing Replications

To see a list of existing replications on your storage engine, use the ls subcommand of rcli replication, like this:

rcli replication ls test-storage

You can also use the --full flag to show status information about each replication:

rcli replication ls --full test-storage

┃        Name ┃ Active ┃ Provisioned ┃ Pending Records ┃
│ stress_test │ True   │ True        │ 0               │

Showing Details for a Replication

To see detailed information about a specific replication, use the show subcommand of rcli replication, like this:

rcli replication show test-storage stress_test

╭──────────── State ─────────────╮╭─────────── Settings ────────────╮
│ Name:                          ││ Source Bucket:                  │
│ stress_test                    ││ stress_test                     │
│ Active:                        ││ Destination Bucket:    demo     │
│ True                           ││ Destination Server:             │
│ Provisioned:                   ││      │
│ True                           ││ Entries:               []       │
                          Errors last hour
┃ Error Code ┃ Count ┃ Last Message                                 ┃
│        425 │ 1     │ Record with timestamp 1706741353382000 is    │
│            │       │ still being written                          │

Creating a Replication

To create a new replication on your storage engine, use the create subcommand of rcli replication, like this:

rcli replication create test-storage replication-name src_bucket  dest_bucket

This command will create a new replication with default settings. You can specify the settings for the new replication using the available options:

  • --dst-token: access token with write permissions to the destination bucket
  • --entries: list of entries separated by comma. If not specified, all entries will be replicated. Use * to replicate all entries with a certain prefix (e.g., --entries=prefix-*)
  • --include: This is an optional argument. It specifies the labels which a record must have in order to be included in the replication. If not specified, all records will be included. A record must have all the specified labels
  • --exclude: This is an optional argument. It specifies the labels which a record must not have in order to be included in the replication. If not specified, all records will be included. A record must not have any of the specified labels.

Updating Settings

You can update the settings of an existing replication using the update subcommand of rcli replication, like this:

rcli replication update test-storage replication-name src_bucket  new_dest_bucket

It has the same options as the create subcommand.

Removing a Replication

To remove a replication from your storage engine, use the rm subcommand of rcli replication, like this:

rcli replication rm test-storage replication-name